Sunday, 2 August 2015

7th August 2015

Early posting this week, as having settled the new teams in I will be on holiday next week, but I couldn't let Changeover Day pass without a mention. Here's our 5th August new starters, raising the energy towards the end of a long and wordy Trust Induction to give us a wave...

This week it was the turn of Everyone Else to go through Trust and Departmental Induction. We've really taken note of your comments made in the GMC Survey so I hope we've done better but please let me know if you can spot ways to improve it further. There is so much mandatory stuff we have to cover that clinical topics (eg managing speciality-specific scenarios) have to be left to teaching into the post but you can always access Clininet via the Trust Homepage for support on all major topics, including fracture management and Up-to-Date (much more reliable than Dr Google)

Surgeon of the Week

This week please meet Pasha Nisar seen here with Sr Renuka Sasikumar. Pasha is a Colorectal Consultant with a fantastic track record of training and engagement. 

His major interest is in pelvic floor and cancer and is the Trust Lead on NBOCAP and the Emergency Laparotomy Audit. He is Head of the KSS Collaborative Research Project, linking trainees with Consultants in the region to facilitate high quality research. And he's a sweetie.

Forthcoming Attractions 

Foundation Teaching starts on Monday. You need to have attended at least 70%: inevitably you will miss some through annual leave and all the sessions are valuable so get to every one you can. 

Think ahead: this course @rcsnews is aimed at Foundation Drs thinking of T&O as a possible career choice. Contact to register interest

The Chertsey FRCS Course is coming up: read up and pass it on

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