Tuesday, 17 November 2015

23rd November 2015

Junior Doctors Industrial Action

On Thursday I was in the College @RCSNews at the Surgical Tutors Conference (listening to Bruce Keogh as it happens) when all our phones started buzzing with the news of the strike ballot result. 
Bearing in mind all the speakers in that room were politicians (medical politicians is no different from the regular sort) I was surprised at what they said in that room was at odds with what they put out in public. For example, the President of the RCS @claremarx described the leadership at the Dept of Health behaving with "ineptitude" and Sir Bruce Keogh deeply regretted ever saying "7/7 working" when what he meant was services should be available 7/7, that the SoS was "obsessed" with calling excess deaths "unnecessary deaths" and of the 11,000 deaths described that way, only about 4% were truly avoidable. 

So I was shocked to read the pre-prepared letter to the Press @DrBruceKeogh put out whilst he was talking to us suggesting that given the events in Paris he was concerned striking doctors might not react appropriately. It was utterly contrary to how he spoke with us and I still can't get my head round it.

We're on your side

Feedback in the room was strongly supportive of junior doctors and whilst everybody wants negotiations without threats, I want you to know that Consultant Surgeons support you. Stella Vig @svig2 Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Croydon organised this letter (which I am proud to have signed) published in the Sunday Times (paywall) http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/comment/regulars/lettersandemails/article1635488.ece
Well over 1,500 Consultant Surgeons have put their name to it and more are adding every day.

I have circulated this letter to my fellow LFG members, but if you are a Consultant Surgeon and would like to add you name or, if you are a junior doctor who would like to read this letter of support or, if you just want a cogent, compelling account of Why the imposed contract is all wrong, the letter is here: Open Letter to Rt Hon MP Jeremy Hunt Voicing Concerns- from Consultant Surgeons 

Irritation of the Week

Every time I go to the College, this 'painting' outside the Lecture Theatre deeply annoys me:
It portrays the Council of RCS England when Bernard Ribeiro was Prez, so 2005-2008. It can be summed up as Pale, Male and Stale: two women and two faces of colour amongst the 29 heads.

Come on people. This does not represent me or My College. Four seats are up for election so colleagues - go for it. Some serious shaking up is required. And I hope this alleged painting becomes an historical oddity to be embarrassed about.

A New Surgeon Starts

A big @ASPHFT welcome to new starter Mr Rajesh Jain. 

Rajesh (left) is a Bariatric Surgeon and joins Sameer Humadi (centre) and Shashi Irukulla (right) in developing the Bariatric practice that Ashford Hospital is becoming renowned for.

Surgeon of the Week

Whilst we're on the topic of Bariatric Surgery, it is my pleasure to introduce Sameer Humadi, see here with the gorgeous Sr Louella Madrid Gabitas
Sam Humadi is an upper GI surgeon but with a focus on Bariatric Surgery. Ashford Hospiral has a really successful reputation in this field.

Forthcoming Attractions

Hard I know to keep focus when the first Doctors' Strike in 40 years is looming so another shameless plug for the Surgical Skills' Competition 'Are You Cut Out For It' two days after the planned first day of action.
I'm also running the Regional Training Day in T&O on December 11th where at lunchtime I will be holding  a "Portfolio Clinic" in prep for CST & HST interviews.

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