Wednesday, 9 December 2015

14th December 2015

Nominations For TOTY 2015

It's that time of year again: please send me your nominations for Surgical Trainer of the Year!

You rightly expect your trainers to tick your boxes, validate your WBAs & train you to in the art of surgery - now is your chance to give them some feedback for their portfolios & appraisals. This is not a numbers game, I'm not counting votes as most trainers will only have two or three trainees. 

What I would like is a citation, with examples if you can, showing how your nominated trainer has enriched your training experience in this difficult environment. I will then rank and announce the winner early in the New Year. The anonymised citations then get sent to the trainers for their portfolios so don't be shy, express yourself freely!

Just remember every time you've asked a senior for an MSF, then do this one thing for them. Go on. 

HEKSS Speciality Study Day

This week @ASPHFT hosted the regional T&O study day. 
Thank you to all the core trainees who came and embraced the idea of wholly interactive teaching: you were all good sports and I hope gained more out of the day as a result.

Thanks too to our HSTs Kieran Gallagher, Sujit Agrawal and Ben David @drbendavid for their relevant, engaging fracture sessions...

... to Dean Michael @deanmichael1971 for his tour de force on hip arthritis and to James Corbett from Depuy-Synthes for all the saw bones & kit

Surgeon of the Week

I'm embarrassed to admit I have only met this week's colleague today, even though he has been at the Trust since April... Please welcome Nim Arumainayagam @nimalanarum, Consultant Urologist (seen here with Humphrey Scott @humphrey_scott)
Don't be fooled by the word 'vascular' on his lead apron, Nim is one of our 6-strong Urology Team, which like most surgical specialities embraces a minimal access radiologically guided approach and his thing is Stones

And finally...

As I mentioned last week, I do LOVE to see St Peter's in print!! Bravo to Arshad Khaleel and his team on this monumental piece of work

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