Thursday, 19 May 2016

23rd May 2016

Guardian of Safe Working

Whilst contract discussions have been underway, even whilst awaiting the new ballot, the JDC has asked Local Negotiating Committees (LNCs) to support the process of recruiting a Guardian of Safe Working.

This role is an important one. Whilst any 'senior person' can apply, it is expected it will be a doctor & someone with sufficient gravitas to gain the confidence of junior & senior doctors and management.

They will be responsible for collating quarterly reports on rota gaps & staffing needs, identifying where excessive hours are being worked and setting up the necessary changes to bring them back to contracted hours. Without breaking the locum cap or spending any extra money.

Fines are levied if a Trust does not resolve the issues and that money gets ploughed back into education & training (so it doesn't leave the Trust).

The Guardian is directly line managed by the Medical Director, but is required to be independent of the management structure. The advert is currently out, carrying an allocated time in the job plan of one session (4 hours a week).

Quality & Safety Half Day 

Thursday afternoon was Educational Half Day, and in T&O it was a really good one.
Our Trauma Fellow Tim Iliopoulos presented some really good work demonstrating benefits of early transfusion (on day of admission) to our NOF patients to improve their outcomes.
 Our ST3 Natasha Morrisey presented an audit that showed patients over 65 years did much better than you'd think with an ilizarov frame & Foundation Drs Rosie & Sophie did an excellent job of clearly presenting the M&Ms.

πŸŽ‰Congratulations CornerπŸΎπŸ‘πŸ»

Absolutely delighted to hear the news this week that our Senior Registrar Kieran Gallagher has passed the Exit Exam and can add FRCS (Tr&Orth) to his collection of letters
Kieran has let us viva him to distraction, which I know has startled some of our junior colleagues but that really is how the Exit Exams go: as soon as they ask candidates to sew the answers on a lace pillow in fluffy pink wool with flowers & kittens then we'll take it down a notch. But until then... 

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