Sunday, 31 July 2016

1st August 2016

A Big Welcome

This week @ASPHFT we welcomed brand new doctors to their Induction Week. 
Our Director of Medical Education neonatologist Dr Peter Martin led the introductions supported by the Foundation Programme Directors Vincent O'Neill and Tayo Johnson.

It may seem unnecessarily pessimistic, but early on in the piece I talk to the new doctors on how we can help tackle Bullying and Undermining. It's a bald fact of life that across the NHS as a whole 28% of staff experience undermining from other staff. ASPHFT is no exception as you can see from the 2015 NHS Staff Survey results: 
So if it does seem a bit of a downer I make no apology for spelling out that I'm here to help.

Departmental Induction

Next week sees the turn-around of the vast majority of our junior colleagues. Apart from the Surgical and T&O HSTs who changeover in October, Wednesday will see the arrival of the 2016/17 intake.

Wednesday will be for them spent on Trust Induction which means we should all take this opportunity to be prepared to give our inpatients every support. 

I'm looking forward to meeting our new tranche of Core trainees on Thursday when our first action will be a group crash course on how to steer ISCP, the portfolio whose evidence forms the basis of their revalidation.

T&O ARCPs at Stewart House

This week I made my first visit to Stewart House, the new Russell Square home for @HEE_KSS.
Right alongside the brutalism of Senate House (see below), Stewart House has a good set-up for the ARCP process with access to functioning Wifi and big screens so everyone can see what evidence has been uploaded
The afternoon saw the STC meeting where we had feedback from trainees on their experiences in the different Trusts in the region. Lots to digest and discuss, for  @ASPHFT at any rate.

HEE KSS has three TPDs in T&O, to cover this enormous territory. Phil Housden from William Harvey (Kent), Sam Hook from Worthing (Sussex) and Matt Solan from Guildford (Surrey) 

Forthcoming Attractions

(Some dates for the diary)
Careers Fairs coming up: first @theBMA's offering 
Next up is the RSM @RoySocMed Careers Fair in November:

And Finally...

Happy Birthday Mr Michael

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