Wednesday, 7 September 2016

12th September 2016

This week it was business as usual as the September strike week was called off. This has given us time to put plans together for the next one in October where the five days falls across a weekend, but of course the contract roll-out rumbles on.

Away days

On Wednesday I visited Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury for the Mock FRCS (Tr&Orth) exams.
This is a PFI (private finance initiative) and a lovely light-filled open plan space. Visitors can refer to many TV screens giving airport-style information on the running of the clinics and areas of the hospital are colour-coded and clearly signposted. Lovely. 
The Mocks were organised by Mr Neil Slater @MTWnhs and as always we were grateful for the kind support of the public who allowed themselves to be poked & prodded by registrars of all grades.

Up to Date

Mandatory training is not just for junior doctors, consultants have to do it too. This week I joined a packed room full of healthcare professionals from O&G, Paeds and A&E for Level 3 Child Protection training. 
We listened to Eileen White our Safeguarding Named contact on best practice and heard some harrowing case studies.

Local Negotiating Committee

Friday saw the meeting of the LNC. This is a panel of elected BMA reps drawn from the Consultant body, Speciality & Associate Specialist (SAS) doctors and doctors in training. Together with Cathy Taylor, our BMA Industrial Relations Officer, we meet with representatives from the Board such as (on this occasion) the Deputy Medical Director Dr Imrie, the Deputy HR Director Phil Spivey and Kate Clarke also from Human Resources.

As it is so early in the academic year, junior doctor rep elections haven't happened yet but two volunteers Deborah Aldridge and Ellie James came along to share their thoughts 
We covered topics such as draft Study Leave policies, updates on the STP project (Sustainability & Transformation, with Epsom & RSCH) and our poor showing in the @gmcuk NTS Survey this year. As BMA members we are in dispute about the contract imposition, so we cannot talk about that. 


Victoria Derbyshire debated the Junior Doctors' Strike on Wednesday:
Watch and you'll see our own T&O Consultant Ashwin Unnithan making his point: 
Ashwin starts formally in April 2017 but as he's helping us out you may see him around already. Or on the TV.

Forthcoming Attractions

Hurry now to book a place on the @RoySocMed orthopaedic introductory course First Steps on 24th Sept:
This is aimed at Foundation Years and CT1s, and has a great Faculty. 

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