The time for end of year sign-offs for our Core Trainees is fast approaching. Please check your inboxes for email from the TPDs highlighting what, if anything, needs to be uploaded in time for Friday 17th June.
Trainers, especially Assigned Educational Supervisors, final meetings will need to be completed as soon as possible.
There have been a couple of new things thrown at us this year which are 'optional' on ISCP but have been made mandatory by HEKSS. These are completion of a 'NOTSS' and topics in Generic Module 10 which I have uploaded to all the portfolios.
The ARCPs are being held at St Peter's @ASPHFT in the PGEC from 8am to 1pm, delightful news for me as it will be a joy to attend the CSTC afterwards (rather than traipse over to Maidstone like we do in January)
I don't think there are any more surprises ahead of the sign-offs but you never know ...
Guardian Update
This week saw a meeting of the Local Negotiating Committee. This is where elected BMA members (Consultants and Junior Doctor representatives) meet with members of the Hospital Executive.
Dr Jill Pritchard, Consultant in Sexual Health Medicibe, is Chairman of your representative group
Couple of items to mention from the meeting: there have been several applicants for the post of Guardian of Safe Working. This is good news and interviews will be held shortly, at which Junior Doctor representatives will be on the panel and will be able to exercise a veto.
The other item to mention is Diary Carding - another round is due shortly and will largely include Medicine as well as Foundation Surgery.
If you feel you have to stay on past your shift end, you must must must contact your Consultant on call. Must.
There are great tranches of the Trust with no mobile phone signal. Theatres for example is a particularly awful reception area. If you can't get through to your Consultant, Dr Fluck has instructed that you contact him personally via Switchboard. Seriously. Don't be nervous about it: if you have to stay on, he can help perhaps to allocate more pairs of hands to where you are.
Forthcoming Attractions
The John Hunter Lecture at the RSM @RoySocMed is a free event, and this year the topic is on Trauma Care
Time to think ahead regarding Portfolio Preparation, particularly if you are thinking of applying for Core Training in November. BSS, CCrISP and ATLS are requirements to get the maximum portfolio points on courses. Here are some locally-run courses @RCSnews:
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