Sunday, 26 June 2016

27th June 2016

Not much to report on this week, so I'll keep it brief

Guardian of Safe Working

Interviews were held last Thursday for this post, integral to the success of the Junior Doctors Contract work. Haven't however been successful in discovering who got appointed

EU Referendum

Thursday was a big day for the country all round as the Vote to Remain or Leave got underway. What does the Out vote mean for the NHS? Well certainly not this... 
... as we quickly discovered the pre-election promises were not promises but "possibilities"

It's a concerning time, not only for the thousands of colleagues from the EU but also for any worker whose role had protections established under EU regulations. EWTD is just one but there are numerous rights that will no longer be applicable if membership is waived. As we heard from the Chief Executive Of NHS England @NHSE_Danny:
The implications are far-reaching and I don't think we've scratched the surface of what leaving the EU will mean.

The political earthquake has meant we've lost a great champion in Heidi Alexander who resigned as Shadow Health Secretary @heidi_mp. It is also feasible however that @jeremy_hunt will lose the Health portfolio in the Cabinet of the new PM so swings and roundabouts. Unless he throws his hat in the ring for the top job... then we can all enjoy his style of leadership.

That's all I got this week. Look after each other: it's no fun being perceived as a 'foreigner' in this post-referendum country. Support and value each other as much as we can.

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